Tonight, sees the 2nd legs of the Round of 16 ties in the UEFA Europa League, as the remaining teams look to provide the key moments in order to reach the Quarter Finals.
We looked into the sponsors of the remaining 16 teams in their quest for the European title.
Of the remaining teams, Kit manufacturers is diverse, with 10 different brands across the 16 teams. Nike dominate the pack, with 6 teams. Kappa is behind with 2. But no other brand has more than 1.
It is just as diverse with front of shirt sponsor sectors, however there is a more even spread, with 9 different sectors across the 16 teams. Finance leads the way with 4 (A quarter of the remaining teams), closely followed by Gambling with 3, and just behind is Energy & Telecoms with 2 each.
Each sponsor is individual as there is no brand that is sponsoring more than 1 team remaining in the tournament.